A pretty brunette is involved in making a bit of cleaning in the apartment the couple. The man is sitting on the lounge chair and observed her sweet chick to polish the floor of the lounge. The pretty woman is simply irresistible and approaches the guy with an idea in mind: to be fucked like a slut. She kisses the guy who feels his penis immediately harden and become more and more cramped in his pants. The guy can do no more and he decided to accede to the insistence of the girl who asks nothing better. The chick is downright horny and small glasses with thick outlines provide him an air of innocent and wise teacher. However, the following will show that it is anything but wise and innocent! It is indeed rather bitch and experienced. The guy shoves his shaft into the vagina with force and then repeats the same gesture in her anus rather tight and hot ... Heureusment for you, the video is far from stopping there!