A happy man is above all an evil woman ... And both say that this kind must be very happy as his wife is an inveterate slut! Real nymphomaniac, her delirium is to bring her husband to young prey of twenty years to deal with it then watch the kiss. They are trying to drive cross excited when a student who sells Bonbec to pay for his vacations with his buddies from college. The problem is that it needs 1,000 dollars and that the holidays are coming! Very fine milf convinces the student to accompany them home. Once there, she was even more persuasive and explains how the bitch she can earn her 1000 dollars. The blonde refuses at first, then quickly let go under the languorous caresses of brown, I must say, it takes perfectly. She has prepared the pussy of this bitch and let her husband can get on track. This bastard is going to gorge on these two cats and two mouths, more than ever before and to no longer in power. To say he has found the ideal woman, there is only one step ...